Game cannot be deleted if first play is a bingo
When a player starts the game with a bingo it's quite common (in my experience) for the opponent to delete the game, or wait 3 minutes so the game is automatically deleted. This is very unsporting. Please can you change it so that a game cannot be deleted if the first play is a bingo.
@hypersonics Thank you so much for the suggestion, we will look into the issue as suggested by you. If you have any further query please mail us at
@hypersonics In my experience, it has not changed. If someone plays a bingo as first turn many opponents leave the game. It would be nice if there was a penalty for doing that.
It's quite surprising that the game can't be deleted if the first play is a bingo. This adds an unexpected twist, making it more intriguing!
@wilson_emma It can be deleted tho, any game can be if one of the 2 opps hasn't played!