No moves
Please offer a feature to let you know you don’t have a move. It’s tiring looking around to place a letter if it can’t be done.
In my experience, always a move, even with one letter.
@betterlate1 Well, your experience is wrong.
@betterlate1 You are a contrarian. If you have all vowels you often can't even play the first move of the game! There certainly are other situations where there are no legal moves.
@cmgarciacm It's so rare it's not worth it. Part of the enjoyment of the game is to challenge us. If the computer tells us that, it eliminates part of that.
@cmgarciacm have never and I mean never saw no move, not sarcastic but if you have not seen a move you do not need something to say there is no move, you need to add new words to your vocabulary.
@paulo-pereira experience not wrong. Maybe it is the word experience that makes a difference.