Lexulous 2020: Puzzle Mode
@Carolyn-Leverich-Atkinson Please advise puzzle number where this problem was taking place.
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus It seems you are pressing the ENTER key quickly.
@amanda-gee Thank you for the feedback, we shall try to investigate the puzzles.
@Helen-Smith Great idea, we'll try to see if this can be implemented.
Things I'd like to see:
- Display best move, after I've had my attempt.
- Display best move if I give up.
My latest game is attached. 
- A Play Again button.
Perhaps some of these are supposed to work, but I don't see them.
@Lesa-Moore We've noted this issue. It is happening only within the Facebook Game Room browser and shall be rectified soon.
@lexulous I received 0 points after playing a move that was actually better than the best move listed. This happened when I first started playing, but hasn't happened again until today. Also, I'm not exactly sure about the rankings. Will these be explained better somewhere, and will there be a reset when the game is launched, so we can start out with scores unaffected by program glitches?
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus Also, I don't really care about tally of points; some games only a few points make a win, other are many, so it's irrelevant. I would like to know, however, how many people I am playing; rank is meaningless without that. If there are just a few hundred players, I'm doing terrible, if there are thousands, I'm doing well.
The backspace key doesn't always work when trying to arrange letters on the board. Instead it backs out to the previous web page.
How can the Score to Beat be higher than the Best Move?
@Elizabeth-Stockton The Best Move is an indicative score from our robot. We shall be changing the text soon.
@Ken-De-Cruyenaere We'll check this out.
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus Your comments are noted, we are working on these issues.
@lexulous Is it possible that the scoring doesn't always work? Sometimes when I beat the previous player, my rating number does go down. But sometimes when I beat the highest previous score by several points (as just now), nothing happens to my own rating number at all. And I don't know why 0 sometimes appears as previous scorings, since that is hardly ever applicable. But maybe I'm just missing something! Lex ID: 8305-2085-2273
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus Oh do I? That's great. I'll go and look for it...
@Nell-Nelson in fact (adding to my previous message) I just beat the AI score twice in succession but my score rating hasn't changed at all. I know it's silly, but part of the fun for me is trying to get my score down bit by bit, as low as I can.
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus I am going to shut up now. It must drive you mad how stupid we all are. I've realised I am looking at the wrong number. I should have been looking at the big number, not the little number for my score. And thanks to you I have found the bit where I can see the AI word and the previous player, so that's great. The only mystery is the occasional nothings that appear, but perhaps it's when I click to look at a board and then go to bed without playing at all. So I haven't given up, but neither have I played. I'll try not to do that.... Thank you for being so patient with all these messages.
@Nell-Nelson Not sure why my name is cropping up in your posts; I have never replied to you, at least, not unless I accidentally posted under your name somewhere instead of the Lexulous team? Or maybe there is just a glitch on this page???
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus Sorry. I don't know why either.