Lexulous 2020: Puzzle Mode
@lexulous I like the puzzle mode but it is infuriating on the occasions when I can't match the highest previous score. I don't mind failing. What I mind is that I can't find out how that high score was achieved, so I can't learn from it. It really puts me in Grrrrrr mind state.
@Nell-Nelson After you have played your turn, just above the rack you get the option for viewing the player's move and the AI recommended move.
The tiles are too small, the shuffle is overlapping the zoom, and it often takes many touches to move the tiles, and a larger board would be nice.
Thanks! -
@Jodi-Kopff Which device do you use to play? Can you share a screenshot of what you see?
why use games where the words are obviously made with WGs or programs for cheating? Some people like a good fair game, and don't cheat, so have no chance of solving puzzles made by computers. Let the real players enjoy a brain challenge not just the cheats
I cannot figure out why sometimes when I hit enter while looking up a word it plays what is on my board, instead of just telling me if the word is legit, so if I just have part of a word up or something, I lose points. Maybe I have a short cut key next to my enter key, or I hit enter so rapidly it doesn't know what I'm doing. Anyone having the same problem, or an idea what I am doing? Thanks.
the game uses the word qais, but when I use it, it is denied, even the dictionary refuses it
Last game showed a score to beat was 7 tiles but I checked with a scrabble finder and there was no 7 letter word that could be made with those 87 tiles unless you counted one that was already on the board (meaning you had only used 6 from your rack). However in all other games the number of tiles used in the best score seems to corresponded to how many are used from the rack and doesn't count ones already on the board
I also think there should be an option to see what the best word was after you play.
I would much prefer that the ranking NOT be based on a cumulative score it should be based on how well you play each game. So if you beat the best score you should get extra points and your rank should be based on a percentage of how well you're doing compared to others not on the cumulative score (which means you can't get ranked unless you play thousands of games). Maybe this isn't possible, I guess that's the way pinball ranks are done?
@Laura-Berendsen Appreciate your feedback.
- We shall try to remove puzzles where it may not be possible to beat the best move.
- This option is present, you get it just above the tile rack. In case you do not see this please let us know which browser you are using.
- New rankings will be available soon.
@Carolyn-Leverich-Atkinson Please advise puzzle number where this problem was taking place.
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus It seems you are pressing the ENTER key quickly.
@amanda-gee Thank you for the feedback, we shall try to investigate the puzzles.
@Helen-Smith Great idea, we'll try to see if this can be implemented.
Things I'd like to see:
- Display best move, after I've had my attempt.
- Display best move if I give up.
My latest game is attached. 
- A Play Again button.
Perhaps some of these are supposed to work, but I don't see them.
@Lesa-Moore We've noted this issue. It is happening only within the Facebook Game Room browser and shall be rectified soon.
@lexulous I received 0 points after playing a move that was actually better than the best move listed. This happened when I first started playing, but hasn't happened again until today. Also, I'm not exactly sure about the rankings. Will these be explained better somewhere, and will there be a reset when the game is launched, so we can start out with scores unaffected by program glitches?
@Sarah-Smith-Kornhaus Also, I don't really care about tally of points; some games only a few points make a win, other are many, so it's irrelevant. I would like to know, however, how many people I am playing; rank is meaningless without that. If there are just a few hundred players, I'm doing terrible, if there are thousands, I'm doing well.