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@Maureen-Solecki Mine came back too after about an hour.
@Maureen-Solecki As soon as I wrote that, my games disappeared again.
i don't know what happens but some days my games all disappear and i can't get them back until they mysteriously appear. this morning they were gone, showed up for a minute and disappeared again. what's the deal??? when this happens i can't invite friends to start new games.
I can't get my lexulous games either..I even restored my computer & it keeps saying start new games when I already have games to play..frustrating..
Same here. I was in the middle of playing my games when they suddenly disappeared.
@Anna-Windland ~ Me too, all games have disappeared. Can't find 'em. ?????
@Marilyn-Wisniewski-Fraczek Mine are all gone too... at lest it's not just me, but I wonder what happened!
Re: Can't get to current games
what happened? why can't we open the games?
Mine are too.
All my games are gone also. On mobile also. they must be having a problem.
Are you in the lobby with all the games or are you in this one (beta)
today 5/24 played a few games with problems, now it says there are problems but keep trying
@Marilyn-Wisniewski-Fraczek Me too!
@Sandi-Rosenthal-Berliner I also can't access my games.
never mind that post...%^$#@#$@@!!