Hola - Hello in Asturian
Hola is a common greeting in Asturias, Spain. We present to you some interesting information about Asturias.
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Asturian is the predominant language used by the people of Asturias which is native to Spain. Asturias is known for its rugged coast, mountains, religious sites, and architecture.
Oviedo is the capital of this region.(Image source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Asturias-region-Spain)
Seafood such as fresh squid, crab, shrimp, and sea bass are popular in Asturias. Salmon are caught in Asturian rivers, notably the Sella; the first fish of the season is called campanu (Bable word for campana), a bell tolled to signal the first catch.
(Image source: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56829129)
Did you know a popular drink called Sidra (or Cider) is made from locally grown apples in Asturias and has been produced here since ancient times?
The International Descent of the Sella River is the annual celebration of this region. During this event, canoeing is not the only thing on the menu. Take part in the multitude of activities, concerts, music and dance, and enjoy traditional cuisine from morning till the wee hours.
(Image source: https://www.worldfootprints.com/asturias-spains-most-overlooked-region/)
These are some of the interesting facts of Asturian culture. Please do share if you are from Asturian, or know some more new interesting facts, we would be happy to know !
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