@terrijay That's a good idea. You can play on one tab, and on the other tab, read the NYT.
amy hall
The Bell! -
Grumbling@sparks Yes. What I don't understand is the need for vitriol which some have. It's a word game, and you guys fight like such immature people. You do realize that the other person is a real person, right? and has real feelings, and has red blood, just like you?
You guys feel good about yourselves when you behave like fools, fighting with everybody? it's like you have no self-respect.I'm just bewildered. And I want no part of it. It's stupid.
Getting rid of cheats@mistertoad We would never all you "cheater", Mistertoad, you Sexy Beast!
GrumblingI love playing email Lex. I learn so much more and have made "friends' with some very nice people. Folks who are so funny, and full of warm intent.
However, in the forum, why is everybody so grouchy?
Getting rid of cheats@mistertoad No, not brave or strong. I just couldn't handle my Uncle Jack being disappointed with me. That would kill me. I'm really old and have never cheated ever about anything because I was traumatized at an early age. lololol All my Uncle Jack had to do to keep ten year old amy in line was stare at me across the room with his steel blue eyes. i loved him so much. edit: when my opps cheat, i don't get mad because it's just a virtual game.
So, when Terijay talks about getting rid of cheaters on Lexulous, which is impossible, I don't understand Teriaajay asking Admin to "do something" about cheaters on Lexulous. boggles the mind.
Player photos@cindy-lee-laybolt Hi, Cindy. For security reasons, it's a bad idea to post your photo... if I did, I'd scare everybody off. lol And anyway, how can you be sure the photo is really them? You can't. Anybody can put up anything.
OR are you husband-hunting? (joke)
Getting rid of cheats@betterlate1-0 My concern is how cheating affects the person's "character", or personality, or ethics, or whatever you want to call it.
I once cheated in grade school by looking at my partner's paper during a test. He wrote so big, I rationalized my cheating by "well, if he didn't write so big, I wouldn't have cheated". Obviously I was very young and stupid.But I couldn't handle the guilt. The guilt! So I went to my teacher and told her, so ashamed and crying through it. She changed my grade, and I had to apologize to my partner. It was an important lesson I'll never forget.
Remember when you were little and you saw adults cheat? It made me so sad.
Try Out the Weird Words; They WorkI now put down anything and everything for points. I don't even try to guess if it's a real word becuz.... "devel" is a real word. Weird, hunh? I didn't have an "it" but had no choice so I tried it, and won the game. Who knew stupidity would win the day? lol
Also, use "re". It's amazing how often it makes points before the most unusual words, to make an even more weirder word.
Food for thought.
Getting rid of cheats@terrijay Cheaters will always be with us. I, myself, accept it as a fact of the game.
May I ask why do you let cheating get to you? It's a virtual game where there is no chance to win a Camaro. You just get a higher score. Big deal.
Nobody gets free monthly chocolates delivered to their door, or a two week vacation in Siberia, nuttin'. Cheaters never win, except in their own fragile, empty egos, but it doesn't mean anything.
Try Email Lexulous, for a change?@mistertoad okay, I waiting for you to show. 70 points for me "jollied". Poor you. You are in so much trouble, now! bwahahahha!
How find Lex ID for playing email games?@mistertoad A second page? Just for a profile? I dunno. Me thinks there has to be a reason for getting so detailed but "reputation" seems a bit much. Of course, the bottom line is for creators to make money; I understand that. But a second page for a profile? The least we know about each other, the better off we are. Keeps the peace.
Junior Lexulous@betterlate1-0 I grew up watching everybody reading all the time. They did the daily crosswords and the Scrabble marathons until 2am with the neighbors who made their own rules. So by the time I learned to read, I excelled, only because reading was all around me 24 hours a day.
I knew a woman in her forties who had never been to a library. Tragic.
How find Lex ID for playing email games?@thatguythere202 D0wnvotes. OH, brother, do I remember those. I could not believe how stupid people were combating each other with virtual downvotes. Boggled my mind.
p.s. It was a chaotic time in America and UK, politically, if I remember. So there was that.. -
Canadian Lexulous@mapmakere Good to know; ty for replying.
Deleting a Game vs. Resigning@umair123 I wish we had a "pause" option where both opps agree to continue playing later. I've had to resign three games because of phone calls.
Crazy glitch@anexparrot Agreed
Crazy glitch@lolamoth I'm so sorry you got hit with that. That's gotta burn.
Same Person; Different Names@betterlate1-0 No, they didn't change my name. That's the problem. They just made a forum account with my new name, but I still have the only Suki Derkins account, which is what I play on. Tons of people blocked on that account because of the bullying. You wouldn't believe how racists people are (online anyway) and I let it get the best of me, unfortunately.
Same Person; Different NamesCuriosity can catapult One to outer space, but it can also piss Me off. I have a very minor problem which I can't fix, but the more I see it, I can't let it go.
Suki Derkin and amy hall are physically the same person. I changed my name from Suki Derkin because the response to a Japanese name was incredibly juvenile, so I changed to a simple name like "amy hall".
The problem is:
- Suki Derkins signs in the games. The game won't accept "amy hall" sign in.
- In the forum, it doesn't accept Suki Derkins as a sign in, but goes to "amy hall". However, I can't play any games under "amy hall" (invalid user).
When you change your name, aren't they just supposed to use the new name?
I told Lex, but it's still unresolved. I don't think they even know what's wrong. Can you help?
Same Person; Different Names@thatguythere202 Thanks for trying to help. I've spent the entire day with this problem and have decided to drop it.
Do you remember way back when it was Scrabulous? Everything worked perfectly. Speedy responses from help center, great forum, and they were the most popular game on Facebook. They got sued and everything changed, and here we are on Lexulous, where I can't even change my own account.
It's still free, so that's still groovy, right?