@okkiwi In the end I got so fed up with the creeps I e-mailed Lexulous and they disabled my chat function completely for every match. Now I can get on with just playing the game thank goodness!
Elaine Solomon
@Elaine Solomon
Mute Chat Feature -
Mute Chat Feature@betterlate1
On the right hand side of a game it says 'chat' click on the arrow next to this and 'mute' comes up as an option -
Mute Chat FeatureCould you please fix the mute chat feature. Every time I take a turn in the same game I have to choose to mute again. The mute chat feature should last for all of each game and not turn by turn. I'm afraid there are some really creepy guys out there so I would much appreciate this. Yes I do realise you have a block button.