Our founders - Kimberly Weiner & her life companion, Ezra
with a 10-week-old puppy named Ezra wrapped in a blanket seeking answers to many basic pet parent questions and was given no helpful guidance or advice.
Returning home empty handed in all ways, I turned to the internet only to be overwhelmed by conflicting advice, tips and how to’s by the self-proclaimed experts.
My experience highlighted the need for reliable and trustworthy sources of information for pet owners.
I remember thinking it must be easier than this. So, I began to develop Fluffology, a concept dedicated to providing pet owners with accurate and up-to-date information on pet care.
So, I invite you with open hands and an open heart to Trust Fluff with all of your pet parent needs so we can get down to the real business of living happily and healthfully side by side with our best friends.
(818) 579-4600
With much love,
Kimberly & Ezzie