@Stephanie-Schmitt game times can be set for 60 minutes, also there is an option which adds 30 seconds to your clock every time you place tiles. Make custom games instead of challenging individual players if you would prefer this option.
Grant Thompson
@Grant Thompson
Lexulous 2020: Game Rooms BETA INVITE -
Lexulous 2020: Game Rooms BETA INVITE@Grant-Thompson This happened in the BETA live rooms. It also might be the cause of @Pangloss getting booted out without understanding why.
Lexulous 2020: Game Rooms BETA INVITEPlaying a game with two others; settings of 60/0, 60/30, & possibly more were tested. During the first round, this may apply to other rounds as well but was not tested, if a player did not make their move within the first minute of their clock time the game was automatically disbanded. This spells trouble as my family intentionally plays this game over video chat as a way to facilitate discussion. Speed lexulous is the opposite of what we are trying to do. I think this is a bug, however if it is not please make this feature a separate toggle-able option, its inclusion hurts alternative playstyles.