@atpeacewithgod : I echo that question (loudly and clearly). I have been a paid member of this site (and its several forerunners) since inception and I have gotten no response after reporting two very basic problems : 1 . the inability to place letters in the same spot on the grid of
'playing against the computer games and' 2. The acceptance of a word where an adjacent existing word had been played resulting in a non-word. Screen shots and written descriptions have been supplied.
Admin can you please answer us? -
I got blocked for playing the word 'squished' ?So, you were 'squashed' because you 'squished', eh? Wanna bet you'll never be 'squelched'? (at least not for long)....
Seasons Greeting from Lexulous@agentcarter
I send you the same heartfelt wishes - IF only I had read this notice about the discount code available I would have applied it when I renewed my PRO subscription about 10 minutes ago. No way it can be retroactively applied, I suppose? Oh, well, it'll serve as a Christmas gift to y'all ! -
Words played in this game@itaintsam And legal terms must maintain their singular definitions as much as possible, agreed?
Words played in this game@mistertoad That's a rather sweeping statement: "No single definition for a word nor should there ever be". Perhaps medical and other scientific terminology should be excluded from that view???
Popula American words@bernie-s freeze-dried coffee is the correct term
It's greeks to me@roymccoy kedgers would be accepted but does not use all your letters
Score thermometer@prig-twitchell Thank you for the answer! Since a thermometer measures heat I couldn't think why one would be used in a word game.
Score thermometer@roymccoy what is a game 'thermometer'?
"Meaning not found"@mistertoad Does 'pulchritude' meet your specifications? for an ugly word that means something beautiful or physically attractive?
playing game with nullWhen playing a practice game (level 2 robot) and the game ends in a tie, the following message appears."You lost with a score of X (the numbers vary depending on the particular game) to null, would you like to play another game with null?" Why not state the game ended in a TIE?
Additionally, Several times I've tried to contact lexulous help and I cannot submit the question because "recaptcha mismatch" displays BUT, no recaptcha image of check box had appeared for me to authenticate myself.
Also, I cannot place a single letter to an already placed word , I am told "you must place your letters with no space between" That notice has no bearing on the fact I was trying to add a letter to an existing word.