@dan-mitchell Thank you, Dan! That solution finally worked.

Jean Meier
Letters still won't stick to board -
Letters still won't stick to board@lexulous I DID reload and started a game, only to find that while I could, with repeated attempts, place letters on the bottom half of the board, I could not place any letters on the top part. My opponent was having the same problem, both in that game and in previous ones. Still not fixed, guys, please keep working on it. I do not think it is the fault of the ads, because it happens regardless of what ads are on screen.
Letters still won't stick to boardIt is impossible to play because my letters keep falling off the board, won't stick at all. This problem appeared briefly last week, but has returned with a vengeance. Help needed!
Minimize Games to WatchWhy does the "Watch Games" list crowd out the space to sign up to play live games? It often covers up the potential games, making it impossible to find a challenger. Please make the "Watch Games" feature a simple drop-down box, so only those who are interested in watching need see the list.
Mac OS Catalina/Chrome fails to match any playerI have the exact same problem as lolamoth. I cannot start a new game with anyone because the screen just goes blank after I try to match someone or set a table.