It would be great if the game gave you bonus points for exceeding "best move". That way we don't just quit when we hit best move points but look for an even higher score.
Jean Pearse
@Jean Pearse
Lexulous 2020: Puzzle Mode -
Lexulous 2020: Puzzle Mode@lexulous I love the feature that the play button turns green when a word is valid... to have that feature in the regular lexulous game would be FANTASTIC!
Lexulous 2020: Puzzle Mode@lexulous Just recently you can't re-arrange the tiles in your rack - they skid around and won't arrange in the order you are trying to place them.
Lexulous 2020: Puzzle ModeFor the last several weeks, to place a tile, you need to set the tile one space under the square you want & then it will slide up into place. More recently, the tiles are disappearing altogether if you move them about on the board AND the blanks retain the letter you 1st assigned to them. They often will not become blank again even after recalling all tiles- they stay stuck as that letter you first chose.