I just played a game (24220364 I think) in which two tiles each appeared to have two letters on them (TH & IN). I took a screen shot and will upload it here. Thank you for looking into this. (The game was UK, so it wasn't a foreign-language issue.) I just saved the screenshot to my clipboard & couldn't figure out how to upload it here.)
Multi-letter tile bug -
feature requests(1) Ability to set tiles in anticipation of next move. (In the old site, you could do this without your word disappearing when your opponent played.)
(2) An indicator of the game set up during play (e.g. 4/5 or 4/0), as was available in the old site. (Sometimes while playing, it's easy to forget if you will get added 10 s or 4 s or 0 s after each play, and having the complete indicator was handy as a reminder.)
(3) Ability to chat with friends before playing a game with them, as was available on the old site. (Sometimes, it's nice to be able to say "hi" to someone even if you don't have time for a game.)
Thank you. J