My name is Julia and I am from the USA. To connect the Wavlink router, first, you will need to power on the modem. After that, join the router to the modem LAN port with the help of a network wire. Now, plug in the power adaptor in the power jack and the other end to the standard electrical power socket. Later, push the power button to turn on the Wavlink router. Next, take the WiFi gadget and connect it to the Wavlink router network. Open Chrome on a connected WiFi gadget and enter wifi.wavlink.com in the default web portal. Now, fill in the log in password. Pick up the WAN connection type and in the WAN type pick the DHCP server or dynamic IP. To finish the configuration process of wireless settings, it is recommended that you rename an SSID and pick up the security type and insert the password. Hit the Apply button after doing this.
By following the above steps the Wavlink extender login process is done now.