my e mail i am using to play lex on my samsung tablet is ,because lex is not working on Facebook.e .please add me ty and hugs,using another e -mail,Facebook lost all my games again ,,please add me .i had 1000's of games and i have been playing with these player s for years too. you go lexulous .com and you will see E-MAIL .then you will see match a friend ,then you out there id in or there e-mail in and then you start a game.using another e mail i had to start all over again,
Trouble with Lex on Kindle Fire -
Anyone else having problems with lexulous today ,🤬
-game loads .but then it goes to blank black page ,Lexulous is frozen in buffering. Help please-- i t was working a few days was working on tablet a few days agoamd now iti s not ,, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!! FACEBOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIX IT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else having problems with lexulous today ,@kimberly05 - .games loads ,then it goes to blank black .,..on facebook.on my tablet google .games are not showing up at ...loads ,but it does not load games ..please fix it ,,,ty and hugs has been days ,.since lexulous has been working on facebook and my tablet
Anyone else having problems with lexulous today ,Anyone else having problems with lexulous today ,playing on my tablet Google and my games are not showing up at all, try other devices ,I had to add people back and games are still not working, just a few are working wtf facebook lost all of my games again, please fix it now-
lexulous still not loading on facebook .it loads then i goes to blank black page. Come on facebook it .it has been a one week .omg facebook wtf is going on .it was working and now it is not working,lexulous still not loading on facebook .it loads then i goes to blank black page. Come on facebook it .it has been a one week .omg facebook wtf is going on .it was working and now it is not working,
- facebook lost all of my games again game is not loading on facebook ..blank black page ,,,Facebook please fix lexulous RIGHT NOW on faceboo
facebook lost all of my games again
game is not loading on facebook ..blank black page ,,,Facebook please fix lexulous RIGHT NOW on faceboo -
game not loading on facebook againmy lexulous id -Lex ID: 7394-0404-9131-( facebook id )
dd me to games ty and hugs- need players of lexulous badly to play against,,, ( i do not care about stats ) JUST TO HAVE FUN
lexulous .com id -939517861096