@dan-mitchell Thanks for the response. Play live games only. One day an opponent was actually credited with my win, lol. For aa few points I wouldn't have worried but to lose so many in one hit was a shock to say the least.
Marina Levy
@Marina Levy
Rating score -
Rating score@sakamvari have seen that but doesn't not explain why I lost so many points.
Rating score@dan-mitchell No, I have been playing this lady for some time and although we are a little bit different in ratings I expected to lose maybe 15 or 16 when she beat me but it went down from around 1700 to 1641. Crazy amount to lose.
Rating scoreI recently finished a game which I lost and my rating went down by about 60 points. I have played this lady many times so it wasn't someone new with a really low rating. Any clues how this can be corrected? Thanks.