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  • General announcements from the Lexulous team

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    @RocoInteriors That sounds like a connection issue or is your FB app up to date?

  • Information for those who are new to Lexulous

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    186 Posts

    I've noticed the game names always contain "XYZ," is that helpful?

  • Have any suggestions to make? This is the place!

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    In years past it has happened to me as well. I would leave a game and return to see that the tiles in my rack had changed.

  • Ask for playing tips, find solutions or share your ideas!

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    Michael 7M

    That sounds frustrating! Maybe clearing the browser cache or trying an incognito window could help fix the tile movement issue.

  • You are welcome to post your creative writings.

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    471 Posts

    @Lilia They really did a great job with the new board. I can imagine how difficult it would be to get everything right, but I can't imagine it better. The only thing I miss is the Flash version. It was so much better than this kind of unwieldy and awkward platform which I realize are limitations of the software.

  • Sign up to help the Lex community!

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    words libraryW

    Hey everyone, I’m new here on lexulous! Excited to join the community and dive into discussions. I’m a big fan of Wordle and love word games in general. Looking forward to connecting with fellow members! 😊