Xfinity screen
When I try to play a word, a new screen pops of telling me I may have won a prize from Xfinity. What's going on?
Same thing for me. It pops up frequently and despite the fact that I've attempted to block it. It claims to be from Spectrum, but I've called Spectrum and they tell me it's not theirs, it's fraudulent. Impossible to reach the Lexulous Contact link; seems they've disabled it.
Here's the URL associated with the popup: States®ion=New York&city=Red Hook&isp=Time Warner Cable Internet LLC&lang=en&os=Mac OS X&osv=10.13&browser=Chrome&browserv=84&brand=Desktop&model=Desktop&marketing_name=Desktop&tablet=4&rheight=768&rwidth=768&e=5
go to and get adblockplus for whichever browser you use or pay membership and do away with ads
@Deborah-Risteen-Mercer Thank you for informing us about this. We had connected with the advertising network and they have resolved the problem a few days ago.