Moves entered without clicking 'PLAY'
I often place tiles on the board, trying combinations of letters. However, if I leave the board for a while I come back to find that the word has been entered without me having pressed 'PLAY'.
If I have left the tiles ENT (as a possible word ending) adjoining the a word which has already been played, for example STAG, then the software naturally ignores the combination STAGENT. I come back to find it has left the word STAGE - as if this was my intended play!
This is now the second game from which my play has gone downhill because of this. Has my Windows 10 been changed int Windows AI?!
@mistertoad Wow. Serious Stuff! How about not leaving?
@mistertoad That seems very unlikely, we will check in any case.
It sounds like you don't have "Ask before submitting moves" activated in Settings but should. I discovered this only recently. Also, you know that hitting return does the same as hitting the Play button, right?