Chat stopped working (again) and rating slider bug
I previously made a similar thread that was presumptuously locked by the mods, even though I said I'd report back if the issue occurred again:, it's happening again. My messages aren't getting through to my opponent. Not visible to them at all. Some more examples for you...
Shot of in-game chat (chat is enabled as I can see their chat):
Shot of chat as it appears after refreshing the page and when viewing the completed game under stats (my chat should be visible in both instances):
The game above is #24295815 in case that helps but the issue has been happening for the last few games (having worked normally for a few days).
Bonus bug!
Someone's been messing with the rating range slider in the last few days. It keeps reverting to this view despite adjusting the range:
@thinkpadfan I have slider prob too but I think it is after they do work on site so will remedy itself after a couple of resets
@thinkpadfan I mentioned earlier that I have slider issue too but just noticed that the slider goes to end but still leaves correct rating. Problem is I do not know if that stays so I set it back.
@thinkpadfan My rating bar looked like that too, but the numbers remained what I had set.
@mapmakere Yes, those are actually the numbers I set. Only the bar stops reflecting that, so it makes me wonder if the settings are working properly. I'm sure it's a minor fix. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it right.
Chat thing annoying me though. I was just trying in lobby as well, and no one can view my chat either. Asked a bunch of times, nothing.
@thinkpadfan Of course you know about the little icon in the chat window that mutes/allows chat, right? Thought so.
@mapmakere Yes, it's enabled there as well. I can read lobby chat. My typed messages appear in lobby on my end, but no one else can see them. Same deal as in-game chat.
@mapmakere Thought I'd upload this in-game shot as a bit more proof. We just played and I'm pretty certain my chat wasn't getting through to you right?
@lexulous What are your thoughts on this? Can't be just me.
Below is how it appears under completed games. All my chat missing. Clearly didn't get though at all. (Bonus bug in this pic: new ratings underneath player names are flipped the wrong way round. This bug is nothing new.)
You're right, I didn't see any of it.