Unable to position tiles
@mistertoad thanks for the reply. Will try!
@lexolouse Open the chrome browser, use this link https://www.lexulous.com/v2/, and try to play email games from here and check.
@lexolouse You mentioned "when your fingers are trying to place the tiles". Are you using touchscreen or cursor input? Regardless, may I suggest trying one of the other input methods instead of dragging tiles to the board.
Click or tap the board once or twice for a direction arrow in your chosen spot. Then enter your word using keyboard input. You can submit the word using enter/return or still use the play button. Use the delete key to remove individual letters and escape key to return all tiles to the rack.
Alternatively, click or tap the board for the arrow, then enter your word by clicking or tapping the tiles individually. You can also click or tap the tiles to remove them, or use the delete/escape method again (or the regular recall button of course).
Let me know if this helps anyone. Apologies if I misunderstood the issues.
@dan-mitchell that worked! Thank you. I was not aware you could place tiles that way. Always wondered what the arrows were for
Thanks for your help.
Just an FYI. This has only begun since the new board. Yes, I am using a touchscreen. I play via email on my android phone. I have also noticed other posts in the forum from other players with the same issue. Thanks again
@lexolouse using the arrows no longer works. It is impossible to place tiles. When you pick them up with your finger (playing on android phone) and drag the letter where you want to place, it just returns to the bottom where all the tiles are.
If I try to use the arrows, I press the arrow and then when I go to click on the letter, nothing happens...the tile doesn't go to where the arrow is...and then the arrow just disappears.