An old problem reappears
Again the chart colours do not match.
@mistertoad Ive made note of this since the last time it was discussed. In my experience, the dots/graphlines are always blue and orange, regardless of the colour of rating dot of the player. Right now, eg, I'm in the blue range and so is my opp, and the chart shows one of us blue and one orange.
@mapmakere Yeah, they're meant to be blue and orange. The color of the rating range dot doesn't factor into that. Your head to head number color should match your chart color though. Not sure why they can't get it right consistently. Perhaps they could try highlighting the names at the bottom in the correct chart color, so 'Mistertoad' would be orange. Put the head to head scores in black if that's what's causing the mixup. Key point for devs: color at bottom should always correspond with correct chart color. The whole point of the color below is surely to give us a quick visual clue as to which graph is ours without having to hover over our own line for the move info.
@mistertoad this issue has been fixed. Please check once from your side.
Thanks again. Problem resolved!