Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are
I have to wait days to get a bingo credit. I think it should be counted and added to my bingo count immediately like each play is. I lose track of mt bingos. I may not be getting credit for all of them.
@carol-ann-nasta What does your subject line about Bingo Credit have to do with your request about ads?
@mapmakere That ad request was not mine. it got mixed w/ someone else. My issue was only about Bingos taking too long to be counted.
What is a "bingo credit"?
@pangloss A bingo is scored when players use 7 or 8 tiles from their rack in a single turn.
Using 7 tiles gives you a bonus of 40 points. Using all 8 tiles will give you 50 additional points.
This 40 and 50 points are bingo credit. -
@bonhi you've just explained a bingo and of course I know what a Bingo is and how they're scored, but thank you. And every single time I play a bingo I get the points for it immediately during the game. You seem to be conflating points for playing a bingo with getting credit for the number of bingos played in a player's stats. I think that is what this thread is about.
@mapmakere I think she's confused...
@mapmakere A BINGO ATE MY BABY!!!
@carol-ann-nasta Just block people who annoy you. You're welcome.
A Former Userreplied to Pangloss on 2 Feb 2023, 10:25 last edited by A Former User 2 Feb 2023, 10:43
@pangloss That's good advice. Unfortunately, V2 is seriously flawed in this regard, especially during live games. MasterWordster, despite cultivating a mister nice guy persona in the lobby, has embarked upon a campaign of harassment against me. I've censored him, yet he still chooses to bombard me with popup spam by matching me from the player list multiple times in succession. He's censored me as well so I can't even accept the requests. He's clearly doing this just to annoy me, not because he genuinely wants to play. He also watches my games, again not because he's interested in the game, but just so I get the eye symbol to let me know he's watching. Basically doing everything he can to harass. What a pathetic, obsessed individual. Now surely, if we censor someone, they should NOT be able to send us a direct match request, and ideally they should NOT be allowed to observe our games either. This needs to be rectified IMMEDIATELY. Unfortunately, the developers seem more interested in stupid additions like bingo confetti than implementing genuinely useful fixes.
@pangloss I don't know what you're talking about. I presently have 1008 bingos. 2 days ago I just made another. The score hasn't gone to 1009. the rule is you get the point for a bingo at the end of the game you made it in. Carol Nasta ID# 3744-3705-8222.
@pangloss No dear I'm not confused. You should not have said that. do I really need to be insulted playing a game. I explained the problem clearly.
@pangloss who is Pangloss who looks like a ventriloquist's dummy, and my concern is not addressed.
@dan Sorry to hear this. Hopefully they'll read this and take it seriously.
@carol-ann-nasta I have the impression you are talking about e-mail games? That may be where the confusion is coming from. Many of the players responding to your post are people who play "live" (real-time) games. That's the kind of game I play, and I always get the bingo points immediately after making my move. In your case, since you say it takes days for the bingo bonus to show up, that must be a game that stays open longer than the real-time ones. I agree, a days-long lag in your scoring would be irritating!
I think what she's talking about is not the points in a game but rather her global tally of bingos ever played.
@zaph Yes, she is. There must be a delay or bug with the email game stats updating. I'll have a look at this with live games as well to make sure there isn't an issue.
@dan My bingos-made total is registered as 1008. I made 2 more bingos this week, so it should be 1010. It isn't.
Carol A. Nasta -
@carol-ann-nasta Hopefully they fix it. No point having stats if we can't trust them.
@dan who's the "they" who would fix it? Carol Nasta