Error Message: game not found in games list
My wife is experiencing the following when try to access her games with me via the Play by Email option: Error Message: game not found in games list. Can anyone here shine some light on how to resolve this situation or would this be a matter of contacting Lexulous support? Thanks!
@squinty12 I would give it a day then if you don't hear, I would send message to
@betterlate1 Thanks for the quick reply! Mea Culpa. I should have mention it's been like that for at least a week or so now, so I think I will do as you suggest and just get in touch with Lexulou support. Thanks again, much appreciated. The best to you and other Lexulous players in these trying times.
@squinty12 very kind of you..and you and wife stay safe. Good luck hope it is fixed in a blink
@betterlate1 Thank you very much.
Just sent off an email to them. Thanks again.