Sound still turns off
Please make board settings 'remember' themselves. I have to turn on the sound every time and it's annoying. -
I agree. Others don't seem to have this issue however. Maybe different browsers?
yes my rating will go down, because if I don't look at my browser tab "lex" I don't know I have a game. the sound is never on and I can't find a way to turn it on before I have a game.
@lovethisgame it seems can be browser or computer. I have not had the problem since first week (o gees here i go again "As a new user, you can only post once every 120 second(s) until you have earned 3 reputation - please wait before posting again" Site determines I should have new name and the cult determines I do not have enough reputation though i had plenty before all their headgames
@pangloss Seems as if this is now enabled. Either my settings stuck after I turned sound on, or "On" is now the default. Thanks Lexulous team!
@thatguythere202 last time I played which was a few days ago it wasn't. But I will try again later today on my browser to see. And yes thank you Lexulous for the hard work!