Player who goes first should be random!
@betterlate1-0 Yup, that's what I said about having an agreement with some.
@betterlate1-0 said in Player who goes first should be random!:
@mapmakere there is a post waiting for approval ..whoever does that please get rid of posting did not see til after i sent it. So nice to be a child
Sorry, Idk what that means.
This post is deleted!
@betterlate1-0 No, it gets posted right away.
This post is deleted!
@lexulous sometimes it alternates..more often it does not.
@betterlate1-0 It's probably because you reached a certain downvote threshold from before they removed that feature, and your account has become a bit more limited as a result ie your posts don't show up immediately, need approval etc. Maybe you could login using another method such as Facebook or Google.
@dan-mitchell downvotes had nothing to do with me..notice how many read the posts yet they cant downvote. It is their idea of fun..but fact is there is no reason this should happen. thanks for trying to help
@dan-mitchell said it wrong..of course something to do with me..downvoted because they would have not downvoted anyone else, harassment been going on for years and they always come out like lilies while i get the blame. So yes my fault, I breath.
I have no problem as to who goes first. Only one person has griped about me going first when she thought it was to her benefit to do so. There is a benefit to to go second and have letters to attach to for a bingo.
It is not just that the first player has a double word, but if they have an eight-tile bingo in their rack they are pretty much guaranteed a three-figure score, which is hard to come back from. I have played the vast majority of my games with an old friend, and we developed the rule that whoever plays last in the previous game goes first in the rematch.
What prompted me to write, though, was that I have begun to reply to hosted games, where by default I go first. On two of the three games I started with a bingo, one seven letter, one eight. On both occasions the host immediately deleted the game and one blocked me. I guess in future I should just underplay my rack if I am lucky enough to get some good tiles to start. -
Thank you thats an argument that I have won.
@stephanie-schmitt this is not scrabble or scrabble rules.. is polite to let other player go first next time though
@rayger No, I don't think you should underplay your rack - never! Most players would not behave so childishly - the only good thing they inadvertently did was remove themselves from your play area! Just be pleased you spotted the big scores!