@roymccoy et al. Isn't another way to say this is that the pool of letters includes two blank (or really what are "wild card") tiles that you can choose to make any A-Z letter? (I think sakamvari was unclear a couple of messages ago; the choices for the blank tile include any A-Z letter, not just those remaining in the pool at the time.)
In any complete game, I am quite sure, the two blank tiles will have been taken from the pool. If one is not played on the board (note the color change of the letter), then it is going to be in the letters left on the rack of your opponent. (The latter rarely happens, I believe, because those wild card tiles are very valuable in game play.)
My caveat is that I play the email game, so it may possibly be different in other game contexts.
I don't believe there is a settable option to have or not to have the blanks. If there is, please educate me.
Sorry this is not a cranky reply. I'll try to be better next time.
Missing letters -
Lettering and sounds@lexulous I agree that the Flash version tile visuals are a lot easier on the eyes. Apart from the things @Dan Mitchell mentioned, I note that the old tiles had some lighter shading, particularly (maybe only) on the top. It gave a sort of three-dimensional look to the tiles. Maybe that was easy with Flash, but harder in code. But if the image for each tile is in a library, maybe it isn't too hard. I think that kind of lighter color, or less saturation, on the top would help. But particularly making the letters more bold and a bit larger to fill more of the square would be nice.
(Is there a technical reason why the old letter images can't just be used? Maybe has to do with using the game on a mobile platform?? -- I have always used the desktop version; I found the phone version on my iPhone Xs was not really usable.) Finally, I do like the new features in V2 a lot; your ongoing changes are making the game asymptotically approaching perfection -
"Latest Forum Posts" option@sakamvari Thank you for adding the option to display the posts or not. I eventually found the toggle in the user setting/account to control the display. (Initially I was so excited to see the "x" on the game page that I just clicked it, and then didn't know how to turn the display back on! But I found it....
Again, thank you for making this change. -
Number of players in "Show moves"@lexulous Thank you for updating the player list so it shows just the number of players. Yes, there is a lot to do for you all, but this is one of many recent improvements that lead V2 asymptotically to perfection!
Can we have a button to access this forum?@dan-mitchell @lexulous Yes, good button. But it takes you to forum.lexulous.com/auth/lexcom with gets a 404 (does not exist) message. I imagine that will be fixed very soon, since the button is quite new.
Since, as anyone should know, you can get to the forum by clicking on any one of the messages, the advantage of the button is that you should get to forum home page.
I like the +/- expand contract solution, coupled with the setting to show/not show the forum that is relatively new. -
Moving tiles -- look at mouse pointer, not tileWindows 10, V2, Desktop, FF 90.0.2 and previous....
People have been commenting about jumping tiles, tiles not sticking, etc.
Perhaps some players are not aware that the tile goes to where the mouse points, not where the tile appears to be on the board, during "dragging" the tile from the rack to the board. Often (but not always) the tile lags the mouse pointer during the move, and releasing the mouse button can make the tile "jump" or go back to the rack. The property of the tile's not following the mouse precisely may be a function of many things (slow computer? not my case... -- mouse settings? maybe. Moving pointer too fast? don't think so.)
Whatever, if one doesn't realize that the pointer is controlling, then the tiles may appear to move in unexpected ways.
So I recommend watching the pointer, not the tile, while dragging.Am I the only one who sees this behavior?
(I think in the Flash version I never experienced this kind of lag...the tile moved with the pointer.)
Spam or sponsorship?@dan-mitchell Thank you. (I guess if you click on a message, it is automatically marked as "read.") But to use the button, one just selects a message by clicking on its icon/avatar and then "mark the selected as read..." Or just do the "mark all."
Using Scrabble dictionaryYes, if both (all) players in a game are using such aids. Same with word finders, anagram tools, etc. It does change the character of the game a bit, but it focuses the effort on making a good, tactical move rather than thinking up a strange word.
Analysis mode: seeing score of word playedThank you for your response... Looking forward to the updated version.
It would also be good to show who the player is. V1 showed something like "[You] played WORD (23)" or "[Opponent] played WORD (23)" so you know who missed the big-scoring word! -
Missing letters@roymccoy 1) Please note that my response above included "et al.," meaning it was directed to the other people with comments as well; probably that wasn't clear. 2) Like you, I found @sakamvari's wording in his reply to @kathybarathy confusing in the sentences you quoted above, and I tried to clarify it. 3) Yes, the posts have diverted from her original post asking about not getting eight letters on a draw (when there are eight or more in the pool).
4) I apologize for underestimating your expertise and experience, to which I defer. I haven't been playing the game as long as you have (only about eight years under this username), so I surely don't qualify as an expert or perhaps even knowledgeable. -
Analysis mode: seeing score of word played@lexulous THANK YOU for updating the analysis to show the player and word score, etc. And the < and > (and their doubles) is very nice!