@chaebol2th Lol

Multiplayer Game While On Zoom Call -
Welcome To The Lexulous Forum@RocoInteriors That sounds like a connection issue or is your FB app up to date?
Lexulous@Lilia They really did a great job with the new board. I can imagine how difficult it would be to get everything right, but I can't imagine it better. The only thing I miss is the Flash version. It was so much better than this kind of unwieldy and awkward platform which I realize are limitations of the software.
I HAVE DELETED MANY GAMES@carnybarker To answer your question, this happened to me once. I think it was only for a few hours. Maybe longer, i don't know.
I HAVE DELETED MANY GAMES@MapmakerE Greetings. I usually play via my phone and I am unaware of the permission granted. If I want to join a game that is hosted and waiting for a player, I just click accept and then I am in. Occasionally the person will decline the game (as you did once), but I don't recall getting a "no thanks."
Wondering what your criteria is for playing/not playing someone.
Come to think of it, I guess when I play at my computer I get an "accept/decline" option. On the app I think the only criterion is rating. If I set a window, someone outside cannot play, inside, the game starts upon them accepting it. -
2021 New FormatWho is Terry?
2021 New Format@retired2017 I think the point is that this thread was originally begun in 2021. You said you haven't seen any changes - and I'm just trying to tell you that the changes mentioned in this thread originally were 2 1/2 years ago.
Logging outI don't mean to sound rude, but the few times I have emailed an issue to admin the response is pretty much non-existent.
People not playing@wildest40 I don't know the answer but also I'm not sure in which format you're playing. When I use the app on my Android phone and play a live game, sometimes that will happen. I'll set the game up in the game room and somebody automatically joins and then don't doesn't play. My grape is that it takes 3 minutes of waiting until the game automatically ends. If you're talking about some other format I'm not sure what to say
2021 New Format@retired2017 Nothing recently. The change was in 2021.
This game can be so annoyingSince I posted this message I haven't deleted one game people have started with me and deleted the game and now I'm getting the message as if I'm the person deleting them. Since the developers are completely unresponsive I guess I'm just ranting here for no better reason other than to rant.
I've I canceled my subscription for this reason. I'm sure my $4 or whatever it is per year will make no difference to them, but got to vote with my feet right?
Thanks everyone for listening -
This game can be so annoying@retired2017 Yes, I've been a paying member for years. I like the game so much it's worth it to me to support the guys. But for some reason on the app you still have to earn game points. At least there are no reoccurring ads once you have the game credits
This game can be so annoying@mapmakere yeah the good news is that it didn't last long but I was pretty darn annoyed when I posted this because I've literally been a pair paying player forever. Something thing that bothers me about the internet is that when it puts you in a broad category with other people and same penalty without any intelligent thoughts or decision making behind it.
This game can be so annoying@retired2017 in order to play on the app you have to watch a certain amount of ads, you sit through one unsufferable ad for a few moments and you get five game credits. Then you play and you run out of them and then you have to charge up again. So if you join a game with somebody and they never play and you delete the game early you lose a credit. You may not lose a credit if the person just times out. But that 3 minute is too long and I should mention that I play 5 minute games so 3 minutes is pretty much impossible to recover.
Timer warning for both players@betterlate1-0 Or even one plink every 5 seconds. But the way they have it now is just horrible not just the way it works but the way it sounds.
This game can be so annoyingWhen I play a live game on the app I start a game, someone joins and then you have to wait for the opponent to play. Sometimes the game will start but the opponent won't move. Either they forgot or walked away from their phone or computer or whatever. After 3 minutes the game will end (and of course we're still charged a game credit). So rather than wait the full minutes, if it goes about 2 minutes without my opponent playing I just delete the game assuming the other person isn't going to play - 3 minutes is just too long.
So now that I've done that a few times this this game or the developers have actually flagged my account and I can't start a game and I received the message that says that I can't play for a while.
It's so stupid - of course I emailed the moderators the developers no response. Thanks guys!I've played this game for so long I used to be in touch with the developers and I've been a paying member forever but I'm going to cancel my subscription. Just too annoying.
"The password link you have clicked on is expired" when trying to change my email address@latiflorus No. But I have not tried to reset my password. Make sure the clock on your computer is set correctly. Very unlikely that it's wrong but you never know. Also you might want to clear your browser's cache or even use a different browser
Timer warning for both players@thatguythere202 Desktop is different. I am talking about the Android app. It does not ding once ever, and certainly not with one minute to go. That sounds tolerable - but I just played on the computer. It made a weird chirp at 0:48 seconds and then another I think at 0:38. Not horrible (but not great). The annoying tickticktick on the app at 15, then 10 then 5 is bad. An example of programmers not really experiencing the game from the user's POV
Timer warning for both players@mapmakere Not what I am talking about, but okay.