Has anybody else seen this?
Another new bug? -
TILE DESIGN CHANGE??@trisha-hegland They look the same to me. Are you using the app? What device?
Wait versus Delete?@mapmakere said in Wait versus Delete?:
@zaph I know that if you delete too many games in too short a time, you get a window saying this. I can set a table but no one can join nor can I join someone else's.
I don't know what the magic numbers of deletes and time are, but the other night I deleted 3 in an hour or so, and was unable to play for 12 hrs.
This doesn't answer your question; it's more a warning about deleting.Interesting, I forgot about that weird temporary ban.
Personally I think they should make that trigger a lot higher-- like if you delete more than 1/3 of your games you get a warning, etc.
Wait versus Delete?Sometimes someone joins my live game and apparently decides they don't want to play. Most of the time they wait until their turn times out and the game is deleted.
Is there a difference between doing this and just clicking on 'delete game' in the menu?
I certainly would prefer if they didn't waste two minutes of my time by sitting if there is no difference!
Cheating?I'm curious what people think of this. I'm playing a person whose rating is 1907 (mine is 1904). During this game he played the following bingos:
I got one, CONSUMER.
In addition he got a lot of other good plays so his final score in this game is over 550. Personally I think there's an element of luck that some people have that others don't. But here, my instinct say the person is cheating. I'm curious what other people think.The only odd word he played was EFFULGED, which is pretty out there imo.
Some would disagree, but I would look at his bingo list and see how often he plays crazy
words to decide whether he was a cheater.There are plenty of non-cheaters in this world who can get 5 bingos in a game.
Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are@carol-ann-nasta said in Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are:
@thatguythere202 You are behaving professionally- the 1st one I've encountered here to do that.
Does anybody else think it's hilarious that the person who says Thatguythere202 is behaving professionally is the same one who said "You are a nasty MFer. Speaking of clueless didn't you understand that I said I want no more contact." LOL
Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are@pangloss said in Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are:
@zaph I think it's a spaceman. The artist is Allen Linder
Thanks, interesting.
Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are@carol-ann-nasta said in Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are:
@zaph don't contact me anymore. it's starting to sound like harrassment.
I think you replied to the wrong person?
Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are@pangloss said in Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores are:
@carol-ann-nasta Why do you care who I am and why are you so concerned with "Bingo credit"? So there's a delay in when they update your tally. Bfd. Maybe the servers have to update or something. I bet you're the only one that has even noticed much less cares. And by the way, my avatar is not a ventriloquial dummy at all. It's a sculpture by a very talented artist.
I was wondering about your avatar. Just about the scariest one I've ever seen anywhere. What's it a sculpture of?
Bingo credit- I have to wait days to get it. It should be counted as the word scores areI think what she's talking about is not the points in a game but rather her global tally of bingos ever played.
Chat issues@terrijay said in Chat issues:
@betterlate1-0... All of your accusions I have on so you can delete all you like.
Suggestion: make censoring players invisible to censored players.I remember one time this person said she was censoring me because I "stacked words on top of other words." Not really sure what she meant but my point is that people censor for crazy reasons!
Oh yeah. there was another person who censored everybody who beat her.
I kind of agree with you about making censoring people invisible. This site used to at least show whether you had censored someone. Back then I would censor people who censored me (for no apparent reason) so I could see the censor mark and not waste my time clicking on their games!
Disappearing games@roymccoy Approximately how many plays were made? I know people can delete games at the beginning but I don't think I've ever seen one disappear!
Robot player vs real person@jrp32 I prefer to play real people who chat the most, but second to them I like to play real, silent people because the robots on lex are either too hard or too easy and at least in the past were almost non-strategic.
It surprises me how few people on here are interested in words.
Admin or a troll with admin privileges has muted my account@lefttoeshuffle Wow, I didn't know admin did that. What did you say in the lobby? And having seen some of your drivel about things like covid vaccination, all I have to say is: Well done Admin!
Score thermometer@roymccoy said in Score thermometer:
Can anyone confirm that the $1.99 version of the app doesn't (or perhaps does) have the thermometer? Putting it in the website version without putting it in the app was a dubious move, especially if it was anticipated that the thermometer would never be in the app. I can rightfully knock myself for not telling my app-playing opponent about it, but on the other hand our longstanding game of I don't know how many years may be over when I do – unless she wants to continue playing at a gross disadvantage and regularly losing. I won't be switching to a phone, and I doubt she'll want to switch to a laptop.
Roy, you might want to specify IOS or Android. It would not surprise me if the two apps are very different.
Remove the Observation Eye feature to stop annoying trolls@lefttoeshuffle What a stupid idea. How about you have some self control and not look at the eyeball if it bothers you so much? Some of us ARE interested in observers.
Move two word list@dan-mitchell said in Move two word list:
@zaph Good point. There's a huge chunk of unused space underneath that tools tab graph to move it to.
The definitions themselves are all over the place though. It doesn't always prioritize the most common or logical definitions. If it's a word with multiple meanings, it will often bring up the most obscure definition available and ignore everything else.
Yes, I agree that the definitions are often lacking, but once in a while I find one very interesting!
(I finally remembered a recent one: "gul: a geometric, usually octagonal, design used in Turkoman carpets")