passing or swapping
@dan-mitchell Dan, I realize that confirming a pass steals precious time in short games, but the real issue is that the Pass button is and always has been too close to the Swap button. Too easy to make a mistake!
Just put more space between the Pass button and the Swap. Then the fancy
confirm-pass window—which is a bit of overkill (sorry Lex designer!)—won't be so needed. -
@lolamoth Hi Lola. Just to be clear, we're talking about a slightly different issue, specifically about how many passes before a game ends. I actually made another thread about the equally annoying pass confirmation issue you mentioned:
And I agree with you about the pass and swap buttons. They could do with being further apart. I'm not a fan of the new tiny, greyed out and rather ambiguous icons either. I'd personally space them out more and put them in big colorful boxes labeled 'pass' and 'swap' (and 'shuffle' of course) like before.
@dan-mitchell sorry, I zeroed in on your mention of the extra pass confirmation and ran with that.
I understand what you're getting at re: no more multiple passes allowed.
@dan-mitchell addendum and apology. If you click those posts you do go back to the forum.. if however you are concerned about is time consuming
@betterlate1-0 Think you meant to type that in the 'forum comments' thread, but gotcha.
@dan-mitchell yeah knew not here but this is where I was dropped and did not know if could get to elsewhere lol
@dan-mitchell Yes, I agree, get rid of the confirmation button for passing, its a bit of a nuisance
I concur; eliminating the confirmation button for passing would be more convenient.
I like having the "confirm pass." It's easy enough to accidentally tap that button and then you lose your turn. I have the confirm move score button turned off (that you can toggle on/off) and once in awhile I'll hit the wrong button by mistake.
But how about just giving us the choice and allowing us to turn that feature on or off?
(Referring to the android version btw, see screenshot)
@rtfulngine numerous times i have hit that pass or swap button by accident and thankfully, it does require confirmation on the desktop version.