Nearly impossible to play
I tried to play a game on the website using my Android 11phone in a browser. Nearly impossible. Moving the letters is very difficult to drop in the specific squares, it doesn't automatically supply your letters if you tap them after you place two which would be a great feature, but worse, the window that tells you what the shuffle button does completely covers the letter tray. I can't believe a web designer actually created such an end result.
Again do the people who design these games not play them? See screenshot![Screenshot_20220524-195031.jpg](/assets/uploads/files/165 3437307281-screenshot_20220524-195031.jpg) -
@Pangloss I just tried the website on android/chrome for the first time. Apart from the annoying ads, it was working pretty well for me in both mobile and desktop mode. Make sure you turn off the tooltip option under the cogwheel settings. That gets rid of the huge explanation messages blocking the rack area. As for placing letters, tap the board once or twice for a direction arrow, then simply tap the letters in the rack you wish to place. You can also recall individual letters by tapping them again.
@dan Awesome, thanks!
@thatguythere202 Yes, that is primarily what I use, but I thought I'd check out the web version with my phone. Non bueno.