New site is awful
I know you guys are trying but this new site is visually confusing, I miss the audio alerts, and it is so cumbersome to navigate....back to the drawing board guys. This new attempt is not up to your normally high standards which we, the players, have come to expect from you. If at first you don't succeed, try.....etc. Good luck
@bontemps Audio alerts are there. When setting game click the new game then click the game number and click sound
@betterlate1-0 thanks for this advice... but where is this "game number?" I don't see it.
@thatguythere202 says new game , then once you create the game.. top of the room
@betterlate1-0 Thanks but I think that options menu is only there after the game has started. What I (along with others) would like to see is a "sound on by default" set-up so we hear the alarm notifying us when a new game has started.
@thatguythere202 it is there as soon as u set the game.. not after u start play..anyway ok obviously cant answer your question so enjoy finding an answer .
This is ridiculous. I keep on being forced to play games where I have neither challenged or been challenged. This is along with numerous other issues. I would say that about 90% of the regular players are no longer visiting the site
@astrakeri you can easily say no to the game no one forcing you..there are some serious issues here that is not one...When matched either refuse or hit delete on board click the game number drop down comes down and delete the game.,,you also might want to set parameters for the game so you get those who you chose to join you
This new site some attractive features but it's very difficult to actually get a game going. Perhaps I should be grateful –– I'm getting more work done!