Strange message
Somehow I am playing a challenge game. I guess somebody invited me to play and I accepted. I challenged a word (RYU) and it turned out to be a valid word. The message however says something different. It says my move was challenged and was found invalid. What it should have said was my challenge was invalid. I am trying to attach a screenshot but when I click the icon it does this:  which also does not make sense because I'm not trying to add an URL I'm trying to upload a picture.
the game u described sounds like issues I had days ago that have since been fixed..that is odd .is it better now I use usa is it possible u use sow and the problem is there?
Hey admins... if anyone is listening... some jokester is hijacking people's names in the lobby and turning them all into "Ginas" or "Testicles." Weird sense of humor, amusing to some I suppose; but pretty irksome to those of us who want to play real games with real people. Can you do something about this ASAP please?
Thanks for reporting. I was trying to report as well. So annoying. -
I am having the same problem -
@thatguythere202 I am having the same problem. If I click on "view game" the game appears with the correct person I'm playing against. I emailed admin a half hour ago, no answer yet.
@thatguythere202 phew! I'm glad it's not just me.
@thatguythere202 tagging @sakamvari
Yes happening to me, and my games that I am playing with my friends disappeared along with our stats. HELP
@mapmakere thank you
Me too, about 13 so far
All the names in played and in progress changed to Ginas.
Also, I cannot email Lexulous as I do not have Outlook. Is this on purpose? Is gmail too odd or do they not wish to hear from us? -
Wow, this is bizarre. Looks like someone got into the backend of the site and is messing around. Hopefully doesn't get worse. Early hours in India though.
I just had a look at and there are a bunch of new 'ginas' signups (many online on the forum right now actually). Definitely something sketchy going on.
OK, as per lobby suggestion, changing your avatar should fix your messed up username.
@thatguythere202 same for myself and group of friends. Started the name thing this evening.