It took me about thirty seconds or less to take advantage of this highly helpful piece of info. Thanks!That they've put so much time and effort into all these encyclopedic articles, however – rather than paying due and needed attention to the game, the game being what this website is supposed to be about – was largely my point. And I couldn't ignore it, though I would have been happy to. Now, however, I can, and so can Mistertoad, and the rest of you can continue to enjoy expanding your cultural horizons.
@roymccoy Well, I asked for something to be fixed the other day and it was rectified within a couple days. So I think it's fair to say they do pay attention to other matters and seek to resolve them if you ask nicely.
If it's a matter of how well you kiss somebody's butt, to hell with it. They can leave their stupid transient arrow (etc.) if they want.
This post is deleted!
Thank you for your suggestion which will undoubtedly help members. However, I assume it means that I will no longer see any of the posts in 'Creative' at all? I've been posting there and receiving replies and would like to continue. Perhaps there's a filter to isolate the "Hello" posts using the 'Watching' option?My own solution was for Lexulous to add another CATEGORY called "TRAVEL' or whatever. I might pop in to have a look at the 'Hello' posts occasionally. I just don't see why there is a mix and why there are so many 'Hello' posts swamping a CATEGORY in which they do not belong.
This response is to the people who will recognize themselves.
There is so much quibling and argument on this forum that it is unpleasant and unreadable.
If someone poses an issue, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ARGUE WITH THEM!.
Just stop. -
This was not aimed at you. The email function on this forum is awkward and I got lazy and hit reply on the last posting.
Some folks on this forum feel the need to display their "superior" intellect by giving agressive and leeeennnngthy answers to simple requests or comments.
Frankly, this makes the forum unreadable. Normal people will not spend a lot of time wading through this chest-bumping.
Folks: Ask yourself whether your response is really intended to support the original poster, or whether it's actually an excercise in feeding your own ego.
Chill out. Save the forum.
@sparks is cool -
Flip the switch to 'Ignoring' and see what happens. You'll still see all current and new posts, threads, topics, replies etc in 'Creative' if you go to: won't see them under:
or, you won't receive those red notifications.
Have a look at this under your settings as well:
As long as you leave those checkboxes as they are, you should start 'watching' topics you create and reply to (even if you're 'ignoring' the category i.e. the updates in unread and recent). That should include notifications, unread and recent.
I'm not ignoring those travel/language posts so those who want to do that can play around with the suggestions I've given and see what works best for you.
Thanks Dan! -