Recommend addition/removal of words
@mccager111 Please suggest your words to this link:
Re: Recommend addition/removal of words
A number of time over the years, I have thought to make the word ANOVA. Something I do occasionally as a researcher and I did note just now that the word is actually in the Collins online dictionary.
All good if not appropriate but definitely used either capitalized or lower-case these days.
Bob -
For clarity, the original post by 'moindoline' was as follows:
"Le mot addenda en français peut s'écrire addendas avec un S au pluriel. The plural of the word addenda can be addendas. Thank you"
"The word addenda in French can be written addendas with an S in the plural. The plural of the word addenda can be addendas."Addenda is ALREADY the plural of addendum! More simply:
The plural of addendum is addenda.
@jackie-heyden Yes, lex still has challenge games and quean is a word. I think I have used it in US dictionary. Just know I use it fairly frequently. But, it never hurts to try if it looks good or possible.